Monday, 18 March 2013

Writing blogs

This is my 100th blog. I praise God for enabling me to publish one blog almost every day. I started writing blogs seriously by the first week of December 2012. There itself I fixed a goal of publishing 100 blogs with 6 months. I have achieved this goal within the first four months.
It is my nature not to compromise with the quality of my work at any situations. I never wrote blogs before. I am really busy in the College with teaching and related works. I had no reason to consider myself as a profound thinker.
But always I knew that I have something different to tell others. Why should I repeat what it is already said by someone else?

What have I learned from writing blogs so far?

1.    Blog is a fine way of expression. Ideas have a power to torture us if it is not expressed. Ideas want to travel from you to others. Ideas never sit idle. Because ideas have a purpose to change the world. So if you have a different idea or opinion, sit before your laptop and start typing. Publish it. Let the whole world know it.

2.    Often we live struggling with ideas and opinions in our mind which cannot be shared among our peers. People around us may not be fit mates for our ideas. Whenever we try to communicate with the people around our home or in our workplace, we receive rebut from them. It is like venom that kills the spirit in us. We feel that we are wrong somewhere. Still we continue to think differently from others because we are different from them. We cannot but think different. Whom shall we share these ideas? Where are our mates to share all these thoughts? Writing blogs help us to reach out to many who enjoy our thoughts. Every thought that they listen will change them and in turn the world.

3.    Writing blogs is speaking to an international audience. I am an Indian. My thoughts bear characteristics that are specific to an Indian. It cannot be otherwise. Examples, stories and anecdotes I quote are from the life around us. Usually Indians are bit philosophical. Renunciation is much appreciated in India. Western philosophies have little influence here. But at the same time the youths in our country these days are running after the western life style. The older generation stands awe struck at this new attitude of the young generation. Still the tradition and values of the nation is respected above all. On the backdrop of all these ‘Indianisms’ I am writing blogs. I do not believe in writing like a western thinker. I am not happy with hiding my identity. India is the country ascribed to me to live and work. There is no meaning in running out. But as a blogger I am speaking to an international audience. So I have to chisel my language as far as I can for the global audience. I need to explain Indian concepts for them. I am to add more explanation to Indian customs. All above, I have tried to present ideas as applicable to a global audience. Still limitations are admitted.

4.    Reading blogs is the first step to write blogs. I made a mistake by writing blogs without reading any other blogs. Was it a mistake? In theory it is a mistake. But I am not de merited by not reading blogs before writing it. It rather helped me to create my own way of writing and presenting ideas. The acceptance that my blogs have received so far gives no occasion to regret. It gave the originality to my blogs. Still I recommend others to start by reading other blogs.

5.    Except a few, all blogs are short in size. They occupy not more than one A4 size paper or a little more. I use short sentences. Short, simple and stupid is the style I follow. I hate using dictionary while reading a blog. Attention of the readers must be broken by a reference for meaning in dictionaries. So I took care to use every day simple words to express my ideas. I do not know whether I have succeeded in my effort. At least I promote simple style.

It has been a please to me speaking to you all. I hope to continue communicating with you. We have a long way to go together.
Thanks for all your encouraging comments.

Further readings:
How do I write blogs
Professor Jacob Abraham

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