Saturday 26 January 2013

Decisions are for fulfilling

Decisions are neither for cancelling nor for postponing. Decisions are for fulfilling.
Decisions are not fancy. It is not a dream to forget. It is not a casual remark. It is a life changing positioning.

What is positioning? Positioning is staying where you want to see yourself in the future.

Decisions are choices. All choices are decisions. According to Albert Camus, life is a sum of choices.

No word we speak can be retrieved. No ideas we made public can be called back. We cannot kill what we spoke. We cannot kill any ideas. Include decisions among them.

What if our decisions are wrong?

Take as many days to decide. Why run for a decision? Decisions are life changers. It is going to change our life.
Our life is related to others. Our life is not a lonely entity. It is related to our family, the people at the retail shop, our neighbors etc. Our life is related to all whom we meet.
A frown on our face may discomfort a stranger who happens to look at us. Emotions are catching.
So why hurry into decisions.

Hurry and worry distort our decisions.
If we are aware of the importance of our decisions, we will do our best to come to the right point.
If we take a position that our decisions are for fulfilling, we will walk carefully to it.

Fulfilled decisions increase dependability on us.
It creates followers.
It is a starting point of action.
It has an innate energy for pushing us forward.
It is the beginning, middle and the end.
It opens ways where there is no way.
Because decisions are for fulfilling.

Take days and days to reach a decision.
Think left and right. Look far and back.
We are not going to cancel or postpone our decision.

Still some of our decisions may miss the mark.
Decide to correct it at the earliest.
No way allows us to travel back.
No decision allows a withdrawal.
Decisions lead to decisions.

Happy decisions! Happy fulfillment! Happy moving!

Professor Jacob Abraham

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