Friday, 14 June 2013

Leadership defined

Who is a leader?
A leader must have three characteristics.

1.       He is not a static but a moving personality
2.       He goes before his followers
3.       He has a troop of followers
4.       He leads his followers to new heights.

He is not a static but a moving personality

A leader must be ready to leave his comfort zone and move to unknown horizons. To remain comfortable where we already are, need no leader. Comfort zone offers no challenge. Moving out is facing new challenges. A leader is a person who is not satisfied with what he has already achieved. He looks beyond the present and sees new horizons to conquer. He is adventurous and thirsty for new victories. So he moves and never rest. Moving is life for him and rest is death. A leader is not satiate with any victory. He always sees more mountains to conquer.

He goes before his followers

A leader should take the risk of going before his followers. He is not a pusher but a puller; he does not push his followers to move forward but pulls his men along with him as he moves. So he has to go in front of others. He has confidence in himself. He is overflows with positive energy. He knows no fear and never gives space to ‘ifs’.
He is always:

1.       Ready to take the risk of moving to unknown regions.
2.       Must be confident of the success of the move
3.       Ready to take the responsibility of the move

He has a troop of followers

What a leader without followers? Followers are a group of people who have decided to follow the leader without any persuasion except that of the vision of the leader. They are natural gathering not hired laborers. It does not mean that the troop of followers should not include hired employees. A leader of a business firm may have a many hired employees, but all of them are not his followers. Some of them are convinced of the vision of the leader and start following his dreams forgetting all about their wages. They need wages for their living, but they follow the leader because of his vision. This small group is the real follower. A true leader has always such a group of followers with him.

He leads his followers to new heights

A leader is one who leads others to new heights. A leader is not a person who maintains the status quo. Still moving is not enough. He must take all his followers along with him as he moves forward. He is not a lonely warrior, but the commander of a troop. Every war is fought with his followers; every conquest is made with his followers. He never moves alone, but with his faithful leaders. He never reaches a new height without his followers. His victory is always shared with his men. Without his followers he might not have conquered the new mountain of success. He never stands alone on the victory stand; his victory stand belongs to his followers also.
He carries his followers as he goes forward. 

A leader is not a private entity, but a public entity among his followers.

Further reading:

Professor Jacob Abraham                                                                            

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