Tuesday 19 February 2013

Customer and relative

Who is a customer and who is a relative?

·      A customer is any person with whom only a ‘buy and sell’ procedure exists. He comes to buy, we are to sell. We supply his demand, he pays its value. The whole procedure ends there.

·      A relative comes to visit us. It is a long lasting relationship. We are helping him to find his needs. He rewards our efforts.

·      A customer comes to buy.
      We do not sell anything to a relative. We are only helping him find the product he needs.
      Selling has a monetary purpose. Helping is sacrificial. Selling is for profit; helping is for rewards.

·      A customer is a stranger.
      A relative is a much awaited visitor. We remember him coming to our store for the first time to the last time. We missed him for a short period. We are glad to see him again.

·      It is despair to see a customer goes out of our store without buying anything.
      We glad to see our relative. The joy is being with our relative for some time. We discussed his needs. We tried to help. Since we are out of stock, we guided him to another friend.
      It is all joy; no despair.

·      We know nothing about a customer.
      We remember every detail of our relative - his name, wife, children, parents, his locality, house, car, job, challenges and comforts etc.
      We eagerly enquire of his health, his family’s well being.
      We are glad to book an appointment for him with an expert doctor.

·      A customer enters our store with an expressionless face.
      A relative is greeted by us with a cheerful face. We receive back the same cheerfulness.
      We are going to have a good time together.

·      A customer is a stranger. It is someone else’s business.
      A relative is in his family store. Purchasing a product is sustaining his family business.

·      A customer is suspicious of a business trick.
      A relative is confident of a good purchase. He is confident to find value for his money.

·      A customer is proud of his profitable purchase.
      A relative is proud of the business firm. He boasts of it as if it is his own business. He has only praise for the firm.

·      A customer is always a casual visitor.
      A relative is a regular visitor. He comes back often because it is his business.

·      For a customer we are one among many others.
      For a relative we are ‘the one’. He has no other place to go.

Relatives not customers are the strength of the business.

Further reading:

Professor Jacob Abraham

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